Monday, April 13, 2009

new song in progress..

it hasn't been a very fruitful couple of months songwriting wise for me. i feel like i've been a little too busy to be really inspired. but, after a lengthy conversation with a friend the other day, i started to write this song... at the moment it's titled the suffering.

the suffering

i am tired of searching for something, i can't see
and i have so many questions,
but no one has the answers i need
and it has, absolutely nothing
and absolutely everything to do with grief
because i have been waiting
and i'm oh so willing to believe

but i'm blinded by the suffering
and i'm blinded by my analytical way of thinking
i'm blinded by the pain
but mostly i'm, blinded by the suffering
the suffering

i am so desperate to hold onto truth with my own two hands
my head is so full of logic, that it seems too simple for me to understand
how it has absolutely nothing
and absolutely everything to do with a friend
i've spent my whole life waiting
and i'm oh so willing for it all to end

but i'm blinded by the suffering
and i'm blinded by my analytical way of thinking
i'm blinded by the pain
but mostly i'm, blinded by the suffering
the suffering

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