Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I've gotten a good start on two of my new year's resolutions. I started my 5K running clinic with the running room last week. Had some weird issues with my knee, but I'm getting through it. This is part of my new year's resolution to get more into running, by taking a 5K clinic and then in turn doing a 5K run (St. Patrick's Day run). The second half of that resolution is enrolling in a 10K *dramatic gulp* clinic in March and doing the 10K women's run in June. I just started running in March of 2009, so my physically not so active self feels like these are lofty goals. Just the idea of a 10K overwhelms me. Anyhow, the other resolution is to record an album which I started in November... and with which progress continues at a slow and steady pace. Jered should hopefully be finished the preliminary drum tracks this month... if I continue to light a fire under his perfectionist's ass that is. ;)
The other resolutions I have are to travel again... at the moment I'm thinking Tuscany, Italy but a mere month ago I was sure I was going to Australia. I have until the fall to decide.

I'm on my way at the very least!

PS - I am featured on Junior's Cave web magazine as their artist of the month - check out my interview.

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